This weekend was full of lots of memorable moments. On Saturday, I got to go to a Bridal shower for my girl Ashley Weider. I played volleyball with her at Berry and she is getting married in August. It was soooooo great to see her and her fiance, Justin, and some other teammates Taylor and Leah. I love them to death!! Wish more would have been able to come. I don't have any pictures- maybe I can steal some from Taylor and put them up later~
Sunday was complete with a great church service at North Metro. It was baptism Sunday, so it was great to watch the testimonies of all of the people who were baptized that morning. We had Poppy's birthday party at Lunch on Maine- he turned 94 on Thursday!!! Amazing! Then we came home and played with da bebies in the pool.

This is officially how Aidan starts off the day. He lays on the cute dog pillow that Wes and Ally got him, drinks his bottle, and watches cartoons (I know, he is not supposed to be on a bottle at 1 yr, but the sippy cup is not working!)

Next, we get nakey and watch cartoons.
The mornings are VERY slow for us.... haha

Next we moved outside and got in the pool, played with the water hose, and had a blast.

Little Miss Riley.
Babysitting both Riley and Aidan at the same time was....interesting. At one point, Aidan was eating dog food while I was holding Riley. While tucking her like a football, I was pulling pieces of dog food out of Aidan's mouth. Haha. Precisely why two this close in age will NOT happen for me. Ahhhhhhh. Riley is also very.... needy. I will just go ahead and say it. Praise my sister! I got very lucky with the temperment and personality of Aidan-bug. He is so self-sufficient and self-entertained. Right after he was born, he was sleeping in his own bed in the other room. Riley needs to be held all the time- which is great when you want to cuddle- not so great when you have other things you want to be doing... like SLEEPING! Ally is doing great though! She is a great mommy! Thank goodness I had an easy baby, that's all I have to say!

For those of you who don't know, we have a couple birthdays on the schedule. Of course, the most important is Aidan's 1st birthday this Saturday on the 28th!!! We are having a Mickey Mouse Party. This is him at Party City on the verge of a meltdown. That was a fun experience. The next birthday is mine on the 30th. Can't believe I will be 24. A little less eventful than the last birthday!