Wednesday, May 23, 2012

39 weeks

 Went to the midwife last Wednesday and nothing new.  Still dilated the same (although she didn't mention how much I was effaced).  She stripped my membranes....and as you can see it didn't work because I am still pregnant!  Going back to her today to see if anything else has changed, but probably not...since I AM STILL PREGNANT!  Not really sure how he is even still in there- it must be pretty awesome to not want to leave.
39 weeks 1 day

In other news, we have gotten everything ready for the baby- but Aidan is still a little confused- he wants to play with all of it.  He about broke the vibrating/bouncy seat (I know for a fact he is WAY over the weight limit on that thing!)
Aidan with the boppy pillow- again, thinking it is for him :-)
Aidan has aspirations of becoming a Dr! haha!  He likes to put on Mr. Potato Head's glasses and wear his stethascope. 

And by the way, I swear our child wears clothes....sometimes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

37 weeks and 5 days

Picture Update- 37 weeks 5 days

(And apparently I need to clean my bathroom mirror!!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

37 Week Dr. Update

WARNING:  The following update is a TMI update.

Went to the midwife yesterday and found that I am already 2-3 cm dilated and 50%effaced.  The baby is at a 0 station (extremely LOW).  I was so excited- and then went back and looked on my blog only to find out that this is about where I was with Aidan at this time- so potentially another 3 weeks is on the books, but hopefully not.  My goal is to make it through May 16th and then just use my days to finish out the year rather than take official maternity leave.

The midwife said that at the next visit she could strip my membranes.  I have heard of some people doing this (the goal is to help speed up labor since my body is already ready for it) and I got on to look at what it entails.  It is safe- just really uncomfortable.  They say that if it worked, the baby will come within 48 hours of having them stripped.  Still debating whether or not I should do it- I would love for him to get here next week, but just want to make sure that it is totally 100% safe.  If you have heard of anyone doing this (good or bad) let me know!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

37 Weeks Round 2

37 weeks is here!  Lots to update all of you on!  Again, May 29th is the due date, but Zach and I are really ready to go ahead and get him here!  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and would like to hear some good news.  Zach has already called that he will make his debut on the 25th of this month.  We are super excited and have everything in the room ready- now I just need to pack our bags for the hospital and have them ready.

This is a 35 week picture- I need to take a new one

New news- we have been working on the house- slowly but surely.  It's nothing that has been toooo much work- just asthetic remedies.  Below is our porch before our "spending spree."  I say spending spree, but we made some MAJOR cheapo purchases that you would never be able to tell!

Outdoor furniture was a GREAT deal and price at Lowes.  We were looking at the same loveseat at target and we pretty much got the 4 piece set for the price of the one at target.  The umbrella was only 80 dollars at Garden Ridge!  Again, we were looking at a similar one at target for over 200 dollars.We did buy the pillows and accessories at target though.

We totally cleaned out the front of the house- I wish I had a before picture, but you couldn't even see that we had a porch.  We ripped it all out and need to plant some new bushes.  We also bought some stones to outline the flower bed.
We had the rocking chairs, but added the hanging basket and the end table (from garden ridge)

We finally found something to put in this strange space.  We already had the mirror, and added the little sheld from garden ridge- we put some tealight candles on it and it looks great!

Before picture- I had to dig about a foot of TERRIBLE rocky soil out of this thing.
After picture- much better!

Aidan looking like a 10 year old- ahhhh.  Where is my baby?

Daddy playing bubbles with Aidan

As of late, we are enjoying RELAXING!  I am done with volleyball- thank goodness.  But, Zach has started up at Westminster on Mondays and Wednesdays, so it is like we switched!  At least we have our weekends to ourselves!